Swiffy converts Flash SWF files to HTML5, allowing you to reuse Flash content on devices without a Flash player (such as iPhones and iPads). Swiffy can't yet convert DoubleClick Studio creatives.
Swiffy 可以將功能較單純的.swf檔案轉換成HTML5的格式,讓您可以在不支援FLASH的裝置上【如iPhone和iPad】播放動畫。
Swiffy supports ActionScript 3.0 and external resource loading. Getting started with Swiffy.
Swiffy提供Swiffy Extension for Flash Professional組件,我們使用FLASH CS4安裝組件後,即可在上方【命令】中選擇【Export as HTML5】將我們的FLASH腳本輸出成HTML5網頁,輸出的網頁會需要載入runtime.js外部檔案,輸出時Swiffy會幫您寫入